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Passive Income: What is it exactly?

Passive Income: What is it exactly?

Making money without working for it? It exists. And it even has a name: passive income. It’s an income that you earn by doing nothing. Niente. Nada. Although this definition may not be entirely accurate. Would you like a more complete description? Then please continue reading.

What is passive income?

With passive income, you create an extra source of income for work you did in the past. In other words, you get paid for previous effort without actively working for it in the present. Passive income is a sustainable story. It is the path to more financial freedom. The end destination? Being financially independent in the long run and having more time for the things that really matter.

How can you generate passive income?

There are already many ways to generate passive income nowadays. You probably already know the most well-trodden paths. For example, you can choose to invest your money in funds, stocks, or bonds. Or you can invest in real estate and then rent out the property. But there are also beautiful (and achievable) destinations off the beaten track. Think of selling your own online course or setting up an affiliate website.

Would you like more inspiration? Discover our 11 best ideas for generating passive income here.

A larger income and more time

Passive income has one great advantage. If you handle it wisely in the long run, you can create both a larger income and more time. Talk about a win-win! That gained time can be reinvested in things you love to do: quality time with your family, discovering the world, or personal development. Curious about all the benefits of passive income? Discover them here.

Return on investment

Passive income sounds great, but it does require a well-considered approach. Because to do it well, you should consider in advance whether the investment you make weighs up against the benefit you get afterwards. Are you willing to invest a lot of work, ideas, or budget in the beginning before the effort pays off, or do you prefer a more low-threshold start? It’s up to you! Just make sure that the return on your work is in line with the time or money you initially invested. That’s the only way to make it worthwhile.

Which way of passive income suits you?

Think before you start. Some forms of passive income still require relatively much work. Therefore, first consider which approach suits you best. For example, if you don’t want to provide a complete holiday home with bed linen every weekend, it’s best not to rent out your second home on Airbnb. On the other hand, if you enjoy writing about your niche every week, then blogging is your cup of tea.

Or are you someone who likes to rent out (part of) your home, but do you dread the work that comes with it? That’s where Meeting-out comes in. Because on this online platform, you can rent out your home to businesses for meetings with a minimum of effort. Discover why Meeting-out is the ideal platform to generate a truly passive income.

Do you feel like becoming a Meeting-out landlord? Sign up now and enjoy – besides a passive income to be proud of – these 5 early-bird benefits.

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