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Hybrid meetings: the best of both worlds?

Hybrid meetings: the best of both worlds?

Hybrid working is the new telecommuting, and we are all happy about it. Hybrid working combines the advantages of working from home and those of working in an office: we waste less time commuting, save on transportation costs, work more productively, and remain physically connected to each other. The best of both worlds! But is hybrid meetings that too?

What are hybrid meetings?

Hybrid meetings are an interesting mix of physical and online meetings. It means that some participants are present in a physical meeting room, while one or more participants join online. And that’s why this form of meeting brings its own set of challenges.

To succeed in a hybrid meeting, you need to juggle many balls at once. You need a streamlined technical setup, as well as competent leadership to involve all participants optimally in the discussion. Whether the benefits outweigh the organizational hassle is up to you. We give you a head start.

In person versus hybrid

Physical meetings have many advantages, such as higher participant engagement than in online meetings, and opportunities for spontaneous informal conversations just before or after the meeting. (Important because the best deals are often made at the coffee machine.) When people meet physically, they build a cohesive team that works closely together.

On the other hand, hybrid meetings can also be valuable. Forcing external employees to come to the office does not always yield the best results.

To determine which format to choose when, it is important to determine the purpose of your meeting. If you want to stimulate creative and innovative discussion, start a new project, tackle a complex problem, or integrate new colleagues into a team, personal interaction is important. However, if you only want to exchange information, sharing a screen may suffice.

Challenges of hybrid meetings

A hybrid meeting comes with its own set of challenges. The good news? No challenge is insurmountable. And they keep us on our toes.

  • Challenge 1: Ensuring equality

Participants who are physically present pick up more nonverbal communication and can interact more directly. Those participating online, on the other hand, feel much less involved and may not be able to reinforce their message with the necessary facial expressions and gestures. Therefore, as a leader, it is important to stimulate the involvement of online participants. Concrete working methods can bridge the gap between the two parties. Discover them here, along with other tips and tricks for a successful hybrid meeting.

  • Challenge 2: Avoiding technical problems

Technical problems are high on the list of frustrations during hybrid meetings. Providing a fully equipped meeting room with user-friendly and high-quality equipment is therefore a must. Here, we tell you how to set up such a hybrid meeting room in three steps.

  • Challenge 3: Coordinating everything (and really everything)

Can everyone still follow? As an organizer, during a hybrid meeting, you must pay attention to everything and everyone. In addition to shaping the meeting content, you also monitor the involvement of all participants and the technical success of the meeting. But did you know that you can effortlessly delegate these tasks?

Hybrid for the win

Do the results outweigh the challenges? We think so. Because don’t be mistaken, there are also many benefits to hybrid meetings.

  1. A hybrid meeting saves costs. This makes (international) meetings possible without expensive travel and transportation costs. Furthermore, with a well-functioning hybrid team, you also need less office space.
  2. Hybrid meetings save time, as they involve remote work. And when you think of remote work, you think of less commuting, higher productivity, and a balanced work-life balance.
  3. A hybrid meeting is a sustainable solution By reducing the amount of traveling for your team, you produce fewer car miles and contribute to a lower CO2 emissions. This is not only good for the environment but also for the air quality around cities.
  4. A hybrid meeting is easy to schedule. Since participants can join from the office, home office, car, or local coffee shop, it’s easier to find a suitable time that fits everyone’s agenda.

Ready to have an amazing hybrid meeting? Prepare your meeting space for the future with this simple 3-step plan.

Are you looking for an external meeting room for your (hybrid) meeting? Find an inspiring location on Meeting-out.

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