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Hybrid meetings: increase your chances of success with these 9 tips

Hybrid meetings: increase your chances of success with these 9 tips

A hybrid meeting is the ideal blend between online and physical meetings. However, we are often worried about the challenges it brings. As not everyone participates online, and there are also participants present in a physical meeting room, we need to consider the wishes of both parties. We share our 9 best tips for a successful hybrid meeting.

Tip 1 Create the right atmosphere with a playful icebreaker

A little smalltalk never hurt nobody. But we prefer to keep these conversations short and sweet. To break the awkwardness that comes with a hybrid meeting, it’s better to warm up the participants with a suitable icebreaker. In our top 10 icebreakers, you will surely find one that rhymes with your hybrid meeting.

Tip 2 Encourage involvement of digital participants

One of the biggest stumbling blocks of hybrid meetings is the lack of involvement of online participants. Use these tips to increase their participation:

  • Let online participants speak first.
  • Ask specific questions to participants who are attending remotely.
  • Use a common digital tool for brainstorming.
  • Use the “Raise your hand” principle, both online and physically.

Tip 3 Ensure everyone feels equal

Everyone is equal under the law. Place all participants, including physical participants, behind their own laptop. With a camera, but without sound.

Tip 4 Optimize your hybrid meeting space

The success of a hybrid meeting depends on a well-thought-out meeting space. It doesn’t necessarily require a complete IT department to serve your needs (although it does make it easier). Even with small investments and simple solutions, you can go a long way. Find out here how to put together an effective hybrid meeting space in 3 steps.

Tip 5 Get technical support

Avoid SOS distress signals and designate technical support in the physical meeting room. Problems with sound or image? Better call Saul. Your instant IT specialist will support online participants with any technical issues. One less worry for you.

Tip 6 Do a dry run

With a dry run, you test the technical processes right before the meeting, reducing the chances of malfunctions during the meeting. Ready, set, run!

Tip 7: Take enough breaks

A hybrid meeting requires more focus. Therefore, take more frequent short breaks.

Tip 8 Make clear agreements in advance

Good agreements make good friends. This is no different for a hybrid meeting. Make clear agreements in advance to streamline the meeting. Think about whether or not to mute the microphone, turn on the camera, and minimize background noise.

Tip 9 Learn from evaluations

Last but not least, we recommend evaluating every (hybrid) meeting afterwards. What went well? Where did it go wrong? What could be better next time?

Do you want to know more about hybrid meetings? Read more about the pros and cons of hybrid meetings and use this step-by-step plan to set up your hybrid meeting location.

Are you looking for an external meeting room for your (hybrid) meeting? Find an inspiring location on Meeting-out.

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