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9 ways to earn extra income in addition to your salary

9 ways to earn extra income in addition to your salary

Money doesn’t buy happiness, or does it? Research suggests that rich people aren’t happier than those with an average income. But let’s be honest, those who have a comfortable income have fewer worries than those who have to count every penny. Earning extra money on top of your salary can provide more financial breathing space. Who knows, you might even enjoy it? Here are some ideas to get you inspired.

#1 Turn your hobby into a side hustle

Making money doing something you enjoy might just be the best option. Scroll through your hobbies. Do you go rock climbing every weekend? Become a climbing instructor and teach beginners. Do you love to travel? Become a travel guide and get paid to fly off to new horizons. What do you do in your free time?

#2 Develop an online course, training or e-book

This option might even sound better as you’ll earn money once the work is done. It’s called passive income. (Don’t know what that is? Learn more about it here and discover its benefits.) What are you good at? Or what topic have you gained expertise in over the years? Do you have green fingers, are you a master chef at rolling sushi, or have you tried (ice) cold therapy through intermittent living? Put your knowledge into an online course, training or e-book. It may take some time, but once your product is ready, you’ll earn back double what you invested. Lean back and relax. If you need more inspiration to start earning passive income, check out our 11 tips to build passive income.

#3 Become a self-employed freelancer

Become your own boss, invoice regularly and finally earn money with your out-of-control hobby. For instance, if you take beautiful pictures, work as a wedding photographer on weekends. If you enjoy building websites, become a freelance website builder. If you create your own pots, mugs and plates after work hours, start your own online store.

It’s also easy to start. Apply for a VAT number and register with a social secretariat. If it’s not what you expected, you can stop being self-employed anytime.

#4 Rent out your home, car, or pool

Why not earn extra money from something you already have but aren’t fully utilizing? You may already know you can rent out a room on Airbnb, but did you know you can also rent out (part of) your home to companies for meetings on Meeting-out? And you can do so while you’re working. Sounds good? Learn about all the advantages of Meeting-out here. Nowadays, you can find an online rental platform for every product, even for your garden, car, pool, or drill. Want to know more? Check out these 7 interesting rental platforms we’ve selected for you.

#5 Work a flexi-job

If you have some free time and enjoy being around people, look for a flexi-job in hospitality, at a bakery, or in a supermarket. It’s a win-win situation because it’s a beneficial way of working for both you and the business owner.

#6 Become a dog sitter

If you love walking – and love dogs – keep reading. You can earn money by walking dogs. And since the pandemic, the dog-walking business has been on the rise. Many people bought puppies during this period but now find they don’t have time for them. Interested? Sign up for and become the (new) owner in your neighborhood. You’ll earn money per dog or per walk. Do we need to say more?

#7 Give private lessons

Are you a language expert or a math genius? Share your expertise and skills with a struggling student. The grateful (and generous) parent will appreciate it. The most requested subjects for private lessons are French and math, but there is surely someone looking for a sports coach, historian, or musical talent. There are various platforms where you can offer your services as a tutor. Check out the options at Superprof, De Bijlesmeester, or Het Bijleshuis.

#8 Sell your clothes

One out of three clothing items in your closet is never worn. So why not give those pieces a second life by selling them? You can earn money from your wardrobe, create space (and money) for new items, and contribute to a sustainable fashion revolution. Create an account on Vinted or sell items through your own social media channels.

#9 Become an Uber driver

Do you enjoy driving? Make the most of your time and earn money by transporting people from point A to point B. You are your own boss and determine your own working hours. Moreover, the more you drive, the more revenue you can generate. Makes sense, right? Sign up online at Uber and off you go!

Want to become a rental provider on Meeting-out? Let’s do it! Because if you join now, you’ll enjoy these 5 early-bird benefits.

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