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7 effective tips for more productive meetings

7 effective tips for more productive meetings

Time is money. American scientists have determined that unproductive meetings devour around 37 million dollars from the budget every year. This is a waste because a productive meeting can work wonders. It’s time for a revolution. Let’s make meetings great again! From good preparation to strict timing, discover our top 7 tips for more productive meetings below.

Tip 1 I Every meeting has a clear purpose

Take your agenda and look at how many meetings are scheduled for this week. Are there many? Probably. Are they all equally interesting? Likely not. Therefore, when inviting your colleagues, always ask yourself if the meeting is genuinely necessary. Sometimes sending an email or making a phone call can be enough to move a project forward. What is the goal of the meeting? Do we want to discuss, brainstorm, make a decision, or simply exchange information? Dare to question a meeting and remove unnecessary items from your agenda.

Tip 2 I Invite the right people

The fewer people present at a meeting, the more efficient it usually is. Who needs to be aware of this information? And who can be an asset to that brainstorm? The right people in the right place make a meeting much more productive. Therefore, only invite the most important links and send the report afterward to colleagues who want insight.

Tip 3 I Create and share an agenda

Everything depends on good preparation. The agenda should clearly state what needs to be discussed, who is responsible for each point, and how long each item will take.

If you want your meeting to be a success, make sure to send the agenda (along with any attachments) to the participants beforehand. This gives your team the opportunity to prepare for specific topics and discussion points.

Tip 4 I Stick to the predetermined timing

Every meeting should start and end on time. Don’t wait for latecomers, and make sure to keep to the predetermined time for each agenda item. To do this, communicate the allotted time for each point to the participants beforehand. Don’t be afraid to stop a discussion if it’s taking too long and move on to a decision.

Consider appointing a timekeeper to help keep track of time.

Tip 5 I Make decisions and set action items

Each agenda item should result in a decision or action item. Make sure everyone leaves the meeting informed of the next steps and what is expected of them. Provide clarity and avoid the need for another meeting on the same topic.

Tip 6 I 10/10 for technology.

If you’re having an online meeting, make sure the technical aspects are in order. There’s nothing more frustrating than missing half of the conversation due to a poor internet connection or subpar audio and video quality. Choose a user-friendly platform and avoid wasting time with muted microphones and frozen screens.

Tip 7 I Dare to reflect

After the meeting, take a look back at the process to see where improvements can be made. Was the timing always respected? Were the right people in attendance? Was the presentation too long? Why were some participants distracted? What can be done better next time? Adjust where necessary.

Did you know that having a meeting at an external location can take your meeting to the next level? A new environment leads to more connection, creativity, and focus. Discover all the benefits of offsite meetings or book a meeting location at Meeting-out.

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